Welcome to the FBC Greenhills blog.
Periodically the staff and leaders at FBC Greenhills will contribute to the blog writing specifically about ministry, the Christian life, contemporary issues from a biblical perspective and more. Our hope is to equip and encourage each and every person who stope to read. Keep an eye out for the first blog.
Understanding the Fulfillment of the Law and Prophets in Jesus
The Setting: Paul's Sermon in the Synagogue
Context of Paul's Sermon:
Paul and his companions set sail from Paphos and arrived in Perga, where John Mark left them to return to Jerusalem. They continued their journey to Pisidian Antioch, a Roman colony with a significant Jewish population. On the Sabbath, Paul and Barnabas attended the synagogue, where they were invited to share a word of encouragement.
The Structure of a Synagogue Service
Jesus: The Fulfillment of the Law and Prophets
Jesus is the Person the Law and Prophets Point To
Paul begins his sermon by summarizing Israel's history, emphasizing God's sovereignty and grace. He highlights how God chose the ancestors, led them out of Egypt, and sustained them in the wilderness. Paul underscores that it was God who initiated and sustained the relationship with Israel, not because of their merit but because of His grace.
Key Points from Israel's History
Jesus is the Person Who Fulfills the Promise
Paul transitions from common ground to showing how Jesus fulfills the promises of the prophets. He explains that through David's lineage, God brought the Savior, Jesus, to Israel. He also references John the Baptist, who pointed to Jesus and proclaimed a baptism of repentance.
The Rejection and Vindication of Jesus
Despite the prophecies, the people of Israel did not recognize Jesus and had Him executed. However, God raised Jesus from the dead, vindicating Him as the Messiah. Paul cites several Old Testament texts to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of these prophecies.
Jesus: The Source of Salvation
Salvation Through Jesus Alone
Key Takeaways
Life Application
Applying the Sermon to Our Lives
Challenge for the Week
This week, challenge yourself to rest in the grace of God, knowing that Jesus has fulfilled everything needed for your salvation. Let this truth transform your daily life, leading you to live in obedience to God and share the good news of Jesus with others.
The sermon reminds us that the entire Bible points to Jesus, the fulfillment of the law and prophets. As we reflect on this truth, let us rest in His grace and live in obedience to Him, knowing that our salvation is secure in Christ alone. May this understanding deepen our faith and transform our lives for His glory.